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JAY TSUJIMURA Floral emblems of Japan COLLECTION

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Floral emblems of Japan Collection
Floral emblems of Japan Collection
JAY TSUJIMURAが"世界に誇れる日本の美"をテーマに創作したライカ アクセサリー。
それが、『Floral emblems of Japan』と題した "桜"と"菊"のソフトレリーズです。
"Floral emblems of Japan" はその名のとおり、日本の代表的な花である"桜"と"菊"がモチーフです。
桜の花言葉は "精神美" 。
菊の花言葉は "高潔"。
"Floral emblems of Japan"を楽しんで頂ければ、創り手として嬉しいです。

Floral emblems of Japan
Unique hand crafted special jewelry for Leica cameras "Japanese beauty presented to the world" by JAY TSUJIMURA.
' Floral emblems of Japan' : Sakura and Kiku soft release buttons.
When you take a walk with your camera, the world is seen with new eyes.
As your finger touches this jewelry you are inspired to see a new kind of beauty.
When you least expect it, on a back street or alley, in the mountains, on the beach, or in the heart-of the bustling city you rediscover the beauty surrounding you.
A once in a lifetime chance.
Close the shutter.
Capture the moment.
Time to discover a new tradition.
The language of flowers.
Sakura cherry blossom 'Spiritual beauty', 'Nobility'.
Kiku chrysanthemum 'high-minded'.
These flowers are crafted with natural simplicity, grace and beauty.
A sense of organic warmth entwined with elegance that can only be achieved by hand.
Not only stylish but also a natural, ergonomic fit and feeling. Easy to grasp so you don't lose that shot.
JAY TSUJIMURA lived in the UK and USA, between 1988-2004, immersed in western culture so far removed from Japan.
After returning to Japan, he became inspired by the Japanese esthetic. The culture, the nature, the food, the people.
The beauty of Japan.
It's with these feelings that JAY TSUJIMURA creates his art.
Enjoy "Floral emblems of Japan" collection!
' Floral emblems of Japan' : Sakura and Kiku soft release buttons.
When you take a walk with your camera, the world is seen with new eyes.
As your finger touches this jewelry you are inspired to see a new kind of beauty.
When you least expect it, on a back street or alley, in the mountains, on the beach, or in the heart-of the bustling city you rediscover the beauty surrounding you.
A once in a lifetime chance.
Close the shutter.
Capture the moment.
Time to discover a new tradition.
The language of flowers.
Sakura cherry blossom 'Spiritual beauty', 'Nobility'.
Kiku chrysanthemum 'high-minded'.
These flowers are crafted with natural simplicity, grace and beauty.
A sense of organic warmth entwined with elegance that can only be achieved by hand.
Not only stylish but also a natural, ergonomic fit and feeling. Easy to grasp so you don't lose that shot.
JAY TSUJIMURA lived in the UK and USA, between 1988-2004, immersed in western culture so far removed from Japan.
After returning to Japan, he became inspired by the Japanese esthetic. The culture, the nature, the food, the people.
The beauty of Japan.
It's with these feelings that JAY TSUJIMURA creates his art.
Enjoy "Floral emblems of Japan" collection!

Premium コレクション はこちらから↓↓

Mr. M for Leica M240 はこちらから↓↓

JAY TSUJIMURA TOKYO のジュエリーにご興味のあるお客様、ショップ様は国内外を問わず ご遠慮なくご連絡下さい。
e-mail : info@shopjay.com
e-mail : info@shopjay.com

International Customer
Welcome to JAY TSUJIMURA's online shop.
We do ship INTERNATIONALLY!! :o)
We are using EMS and Paypal, in order to exchange safely.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our products.
We are looking forward to hear from you :o)
e-mail : info@shopjay.com
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〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿1-12-5ぶらんしぇビル
URL : http://news.mapcamera.com/k4l.php?itemid=19773
Retailer in Hong Kong(正規取扱店)
Fotopia Gallery & Camera Equipment
Room 505, 5/F,
The Leader Commercial Building,
54-56 Hillwood Road,
Tsim Sha Tsui HONG KONG
Tel: +852-34865092
URL : http://www.fotopia.com.hk
Retailer in USA
Fast Aperture